
Die Gemeinschaft von One Family One Earth hat viele Kinder, die in Kenia in die Schule geschickt werden können. Der Verein bezahlt unter anderen für ihre Schuluniformen.


Here you can see the children in their school setting, in their graduation gowns and in their sport uniforms as a team.

One Family One Earth is proud to be able to send them to school and give them a chance of a future with great possibilities.

Diese Kinder der Gemeinschaft von ONE FAMILY ONE EARTH in Kenia haben gerade eine Schulstufe abgeschlossen.
Kinder in Not, bekommen in Kenia, durch die Spenden von ONE FAMILY ONE EARTH, eine Schulausbildung und eine Unterkunft.
Bedürftigen Kindern wird es ermöglicht in die Schule zu gehen und Bildung in Afrika zu erhalten.
Die Kinder von One Family One Earth haben auch ein eigenes Fußballteam.
Hier sieht man wie bedürftige Kinder in Kenia von One Family one Earth neue Kleidung bekommen

New clothing

Here you can see how One Family One Earth is supporting families individually by giving them new clothes.

Hier bekommt eine Familie Säcke voll mit neuer Kleidung von One Family One Earth

for a better standard of living

Naturally, apart from everyday clothing, the organization is also helping the families to finance their school uniforms.

Hier bekommt ein kenianisches Mädchen ein neues Gewand vom Verein One Family One Earth
Hier sieht man eine Familie, die von One Family one Earth unterstützt wird.
Die Familie mit Mama Kahindi, hat von One Family One Earth eine neue Matratzr bekommen und muss nicht mehr am nassen Boden schlafen.

Mama Kahindi and her Children

Mama Kahindi with her 6 children. Her husband tragically died in a mining accident. Because she did not want to marry her late husband’s brother, she was cast out by the family. Our team has found her and the children in this tin hut at a time when the country was *ooded and they had to sleep on the wet soil.

One Family One Earth helped the family by buying them a mattress, so they would not have to sleep on the wet ground anymore. This and the medical aid they got enhanced their health situation significantly. Further on, the organization made it possible for the children to attend a private school with housing, which makes it easier for the mother to look for her two babies in her own small home.



Diese Familie, in ihrer Blechhütte, in Kenia, hat von One Family One Earth eine neue Matratze bekommen.

Kadi Mwambire

This is Sadas grandmother, Kadi Mwambire. She was the one who took care of a lot of kids while the mother was working and searching for food. It was a very hard time for us, because we could stay without food the whole day... We love this strong woman.

Futuma hat viel gearbeitet um ihren Kindern Essen bieten zu können.
Kadi ist eine starke Frau, die alleine viele Kinder großgezogen hat.

Futuma Baya

This is Futuma Baya she is Sadas Mom, the first daughter for Kadii Mwambire. She has been a widow for a long time and she was a very strong woman. She didn't marry another man and she was making sure we have something to eat. She is our hero. She loves god and was praying for us always.

More of us

ONE FAMILY – Hilfsverein für Kenia, ZVR-Zahl: 1397165289

Bankverbindung: Raiffeisen-Landesbank Steiermark
IBAN AT18 3800 0000 0106 1688

Family Bank
Account Number: 094000028266


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